Howto Hack Asus P5WDH Deluxe to be Hackintosh Snow Leopard

What do you need?
  1. Retail Snow Leopard from Apple RM109. Get it here
  2. BootCD iso: This is Chameleon 2 RC4 (latest 24/12/09) Linux BootCD customize for Asus P5WDH Dlx
  3. Time (~4h maybe less)
  4. For list of hardware? Just change Motherboard with Asus P5WDH (BIOS 3001). To user using GIGABYTE motherboard, please follow Lifehacker:install-snow-leopard-on-your-hackintosh-pc-no-hacking-required & how-to-build-a-hackintosh-with-snow-leopard-start-to-finish

  1. Insert BootCD
  2. After boot follow with insert Snow Leopard CD
  3. Install like charm ( I'm up to bed)
  4. Normally SnowLeopard Installation require restart, to boot to Finished SL insert back BootCD, menu appear your CD & SL Volume, select SL Volume...
  5. Install package located at BootCD
  6. Restart
  7. Done
My Xbench result is


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