Brief: Nokia Siemens Networks CEO Rajeev Suri: Forget about profits, we need...


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via IntoMobile - Cell Phone News, Information, and Analysis by Stefan Constantinescu on 11/30/09

 Brief: Nokia Siemens Networks CEO Rajeev Suri: Forget about profits, we need market share, ASAP

nsnceo Brief: Nokia Siemens Networks CEO Rajeev Suri: Forget about profits, we need market share, ASAP

Rajeev Suri has only been the CEO of Nokia (NYSE: NOK) Siemes Networks since October 1, 2009, yet he managed to drop this quote in Finnish newspaper Helsingin Sanomat:

"In early 2008 we made a strategic decision to focus more on cash flow and profitability than on the market share. Now it's time to give it up and to focus solely on the market share."

If you have any NSN stock, now may be the best time to dump it.

If you're a wireless operator looking to roll out a brand spanking new network on the cheap, call Rajeev, he give you a very good price my friend!

[Via: Reuters]

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