Video: Kitchenware plus mobile broadband modem = speed

Great McGyver howto...


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via IntoMobile - Cell Phone News, Information, and Analysis by Stefan Constantinescu on 1/4/10

 Video: Kitchenware plus mobile broadband modem = speed

Filed under "so incredibly impractical it isn't even funny, but a fantastic way to kill 1 minute of your helplessly boring and meaningless day" we have a Finnish guy, Teemu Milto, increasing the speed of his 3G dongle by putting it in a pot. The explanation for the phenomenon is simple, more cellular waves are caught by the reflecting improvised metal antenna. Dongles haven't improved much in design over the past few years, and we're starting to see more and more laptops come with 3G built in. I'm sure the question of how to increase reception has been thought over, dissected, and analyzed countless times. I'm also positive that at no point during the product planning meetings there was a man who suggested that all dongle customers get a gift certificate to Crate and Barrel.

[Via: Daily Mobile]

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