Myself a Pro Photographer

This is the way of pro photographer should be. His camera connected to his Powerbook, and his Powerbook connected to his Editor's Shared Folder G5. So Shoot Editing nearly synchronise.

The Aperture Advantage

On the night of the pairs competition in Turin the system worked without a hitch. To keep Laforet focused on the skaters, the new system required that he stop shooting only long enough to insert his CompactFlash cards into a card reader attached to his PowerBook. From there, Image Capture and Automator scripts automatically copied and moved high-res images (for eventual transmission to the Times) and corresponding low-res images (for immediate transfer to his photo editor over an unexpectedly slow ADSL connection) into separate files on Laforet’s PowerBook.

more info here

Today, I list all todo/tobuy items which make me like pro photographer:

  1. Camera : Done ( I have Olympus Camedia C760 for starting), I always remember that good photographer is his skill not his camera. TQ my lecturer, i learn it from UTM.
  2. Laptop : Done ( I have Dell C610 for starting), and planning to buy intel ibook (macbook) launch today by apple. I will use my laptop as temporary storage before editing and publish to blog (while on mobile).
  3. Powerfull desktop : Done ( I have custom OSX86 at home, but not powerfull enough)
  4. Broadband Connection : Done ( I have 3G Unlimited)
Conclusion, I can be like him any time now.


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