produce easy step by step to hack nokia s60 phone:
- Install freeware X-plore, a file manager from Lonely Cat Games. Run X-Plore, press 0 and check first 4 boxes. Don’t exit.
- Install and run HelloCarbide by FCA00000.
- Switch to X-plore and check if you can see the contents of C:/sys/.
If you can, then you are halfway done. If not, try step 2 again. - Download CapsOnOff.rar by FCA00000.
- Copy CProfDriver_SISX.ldd from RAR downloaded above into C:\sys\bin of your phone. You can do this with X-Plore.
- Install CapsOn.sisx and CapsOff.sisx. Run CapsOff application to turn on the hack.
- Download SIS installer mod for Symbian 9.2 and copy installserver.exe file to c:\sys\bin\ so you can install unsigned applications
- Install ROMPatcher by Zorn.
- Whenever you need to install an unsigned application or patch your
phone, just run the CapsOff application first. CapsOn brings it back to
normal state.