Forum Nokia wiki

Great news! Nokia forum site wiki now open to public. Hopefully we found useful information for our Mobile Computer & could be there is hacked howto for all of us:

"It is hoped that the Forum Nokia Wiki will gather momentum and grow fast. In order that the project takes off, we need articles and content. Please get involved, and help to create the best mobile developer resource available."

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Linux Desktop part 1

Lepas training Linux Super User di CSA, Linux sentiasa jadi pujaan. Setelah sejak jatuh cinta dengan Mac OS, kini cinta kepada linux kembali berputik. Cerita awalnya, aku kenal linux sejak belajar di UTM lagi, sejak v1.0 lagi. Mangsa waktu tu ialah HDD Bigfoot, kejap install kejap low level format(x2), tapi OK lagi sekarang. Untuk itu, aku akan mulakan tag linux, ia akan lebih kepada Desktop (sebab aku suka desktop, kalau cerita apache/kernel/servers korang cari tempat lain). OK, kita mulakan sekarang; apa perlu ada:

1.Linux distro: Aku guna Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy pasal;

- Ia cukup popular. Tak percaya tengok sini.
- Forum yang bagus. (maksudnya guide & support yang bagus)
- Minta CD atau download.
- not made in US.


HOWTO create your own movie poster

Howto create your own movie poster. It's easy;
- Select your photo (uploaded pic, flickr or other web pic)
- Take your time to fill words for Title, Tagline, Credits and bla bla
- That's all

Super Linux


Politicized SPM

"We were disappointed when Siti Fatimah's excellence was
ignored by the Education Ministry as she had actually proven herself to
be the best student in the country," he told a news conference at her
school. MORE

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